Self-Friendship 101: Mastering the Art of Being Your Own Bestie

Hi There,

If you’re like me, we've all had that friend - the one who showers us with unconditional love, pushes us to grow, but also lets us vent over wine and a pint of ice cream when life gets rough. The one who celebrates our wins as their own and supports us in chasing our wildest dreams.

But what if you could be that yourself?

Enter: the practice of self-friendship. This is the art of relating to yourself with the same kindness, belief, and delight that you would your most cherished bestie. It's founded on three core pillars that I call the "Superbloom Trinity" - self-love, self-trust, and self-pleasure.

Now self-love and self-trust are probably concepts you're familiar with. Treating yourself with compassion, knowing your worth, and tuning into your inner wisdom. Important stuff for sure.

But self-pleasure? This pillar is where things get juicy (literally!).

You see, our society has reduced self-care to a chore. Another task to check off an endless list. But self-pleasure is something else entirely. It's about infusing your daily life with a sense of sensual delight and embodied aliveness. It's giving yourself permission to experience profound, full-bodied enjoyment in both simple and extravagant ways.

Self-pleasure extends far beyond a luxurious bath or massage (although those are always welcomed!). It's the feeling of soft, high-quality sheets against your skin as you wake up each morning. The delicious aroma and taste of a meal prepared with loving attention. It's moving and dressing your body in ways that feel empowering and attractive to YOU.

It's also the act of consciously savoring and relishing your life - even the most routine moments - as the sensual being you are. Bringing your full presence and all five senses to the experience.

And yes, it most certainly includes cultivating pleasure through intimate self-massages, self-worship rituals and exploring your sensual, sexual essence in whichever ways feel aligned.

Because here's the truth: As women, we've spent far too long disconnected from the pure joy and power of our pleasure. We've learned to numb ourselves to life's simple, earthy delights out of feelings of unworthiness, shame, or fear of being labeled self-indulgent.

Mastering self-friendship means reclaiming your divine birthright to pleasure. It's an act of sweet revolution and the key to living this next phase of your journey with unabashed vibrancy and radiance.

So today, I invite you to be your own bestie. Shower yourself with love AND relishing. Pursue what feels deeply satisfying and good in your soul. Let yourself be treated with the utmost care, indulgence, and celebration.

Because as you delight in your embodied, sensual self, you'll discover the clarity, courage and gentle power to unfurl into your most magnificent life. You'll Superbloom in a way you never could when playing by anyone else's rules.

Are you ready to become your own bestie and experience this depth of self-pleasure? Share your reflections below and let's bask in the joys self-friendship!

If you find these ideas challenging, feel free to share that below as well.

You’ll find the path to self-friendship may actually be confronting and uncomfortable at the beginning. So, here is your standing invitation to go deeper and darker (if necessary) to ultimately create a more spacious and delicious sense of self!


Unfurl Your Deepest Desires Through Self-Friendship


Self-Friendship vs. Self-Absorption: To Bloom, Not Brood