Let’s get real about this whole "die trying" mentality that's been plaguing our society. I mean, seriously, who wants to spend another second chasing an endless to-do list, driving all over the place hunting for perfect pillows, trendiest sneakers, or organic bananas, only to collapse in a heap of exhaustion at the end of it all?

I’ve been there, and it’s not fun.

Through my own experience with Lyme disease, divorce, family addiction issues, all while trying to Go Big or Go Home, I felt beat up. During this time, I dug deep for sense, solace and solutions only to find that my normal way of thinking wasn’t going to get me out of this emotional and energetic pickle.

What did work wasn’t the bowl of cherries I hoped, at least not initially. I discovered a series of rebellious little secrets that changed everything, turning my 'Go Big or Go Home' mantra into 'Be Easy {Affectionate Nickname}. Go Lightly'.

The 1st secret: Presence

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "But Vanessa, I've got bills to pay and mouths to feed! I can't just sit around smelling the roses all day!" And to that I say, "Au contraire, my frère!" Prioritizing presence doesn't mean playing hooky from your responsibilities. It means tending to your own needs with the same love and care you'd show your most cherished bestie or kid.

So, how do we cultivate this seemingly slippery little thing called presence? Well, it's all about slowing down and savoring the moment, Sweet Pea. It's about letting yourself get lost in the strange beauty of your wilde life, whether that means curling up in a sunbeam like a nappy kitty, dancing weirdly to your favorite songs or allowing the cyclical circulation of your ceiling fan to intentionally bring you into a meditative trance.

It's about listening to your body's whispers and respecting its needs, even if that means rain-checking on that networking event that promises free snacks but delivers awkward small talk. It's about putting a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door for all those distractions elbowing for your attention.

(Drop your favorite distractions HERE)

Now, I'm not gonna lie, cultivating presence can feel pretty weird at first. We're so used to being "on" all the time that the idea of just being can seem downright awkward. But trust me, it's so worth it.

When you start making space for presence in your life, you tap into a whole new level of universal yumminess. Your being untangles from the status quo, and discover that strange and wonderful nutrients that sustain you from the inside out aren’t what you thought. Suddenly, you realize the real MVPs aren’t the likes, follows, or the Everest of shoes (I see you, fellow shoe hoarder 😉), nor the latest runway trends, high-flying job titles, or that Instagram-ready living room. It's not the external high-fives but the internal hug that charts your course and colors your joy.

Sometimes, it’s the low-key thrill of an impromptu road trip or a marathon gab session with a soul sister, the peace of a silent morning, or the electric buzz of live music that plugs you directly into ecstatic states of presence.

And here’s the best part: The more you hang out in the present, the clearer it becomes that the whole "die trying" circus is as outdated as dial-up. There is more time than you realize, and gobs of opportunities to explore - afterall we live in a universe of wonder, ripe for the picking, far removed from the soul-sucking grind.

So, let’s make a deal. Let’s pinky promise to be willing to prioritize presence, even if it means getting a little rebellious from time to time. Let's allow ourselves to get lost in the wilderness of this moment, and trust that by doing so, we're cultivating this secret haven of presence that will serve every aspect of life, including your business, passion projects and empire building adventures.

Remember, sweet peas, the "die trying" mentality is so 2019. In a world where this mentality stubbornly reigns supreme, consider this your guide to living —swapping the race for grace — in a way you define. It’s purposefully choosing a ‘peace-inducing, fulfilling, and juicy as a summer peach’ way of living, and learning not to die or even just to survive, but to thrive in today's society.

Got thoughts, stories, or bright ideas sparked by what you’ve just read? I’m all ears! Share your reflections, feedback, and any lightbulb moments in the comments section below. This space thrives on your insights and experiences, and your contribution could be the ripple that turns into a wave of inspiration for all of us. Let’s make this community an exchange of wisdom and wonder. Dive into the discussion and let’s co-create something amazing!


Unfurl Your Deepest Desires Through Self-Friendship